
Pencil in a Smile


Summer break is officially over, and kids of all ages are back in the classrooms. Not only does this mean making lunches, getting to sports practice on time, and balancing homework, it also means that it’s harder to find time for appointments.

Pencil in a Smile

We know that scheduling orthodontist visits can be difficult when you’re juggling your kids’ and your own schedule. That’s why we make sure to make it easy to get an appointment. You can book online or just give us a call at 817-491-1600 if it’s more convenient.

Working with Your Schedule

We’re open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday and 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Fridays. Some parents choose to briefly check their children out from school for orthodontic appointments. Others choose to work around or miss after-school activities and schedule appointments once school has let out for the day. We are here to work with you so that your child never misses an appointment – which can often lead to longer treatment times. It’s very common for parents to need to juggle school and extracurricular activities to make appointments. We are always happy to provide a school note so that it’s an excused absence!

Teacher Appreciation

Teachers understand that circumstances arise where a student may need to be away from the classroom and are usually more than happy to accommodate excused absences. For this, and MANY other things, we appreciate our local teachers. We see firsthand the development and joy that our patients gain from our local school systems. We know that teaching is a hard job that takes a person’s whole heart. We see that hard work in the smiles of our patients and want to give a shoutout to all the teachers of our patients!

Schedule Today

Whether you’re a new patient or just need to schedule a routine appointment, we’re here to help! Contact our smile team today to get on our books and pencil in a smile!